Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 4 Publishing/Presentation Project

FETC, AETC,, And Ga ETC are the same conference in different states. I have attended FETC 3 times and each time walked away with a greater understanding of how technology has and will positively effect education. I believe my CBR project would be a great assets to any school. My desire is to share this project with as many schools as possible and see the results of introducing 21st Century skill through PLEs, Google Suite, Web 2.0 tools, and applications. I belive the results will be awesome.

Week 2 think-out-loud-PPP Link
Week 3Think out Loud PPP Link

Les's Presentation Link

Week 4 Response to Lori

Mr.LesBrown3 said...
Lori, Thanks for your comments on being the board and the necessity of faith. Your connection that God is some how involved really got me thinking. God may not intend for something to happen but God will use it for his good. If I could remember this instead of losing my temper or passion I would do much better. I can tell you like me enjoyed being the spark. I think your work is so valuable. Just your reflections here have been a spark to me. Thanks so much. 9. Lighting the Spark – The authors give the example of needing 50 cents to pay buy air to inflate a bicycle tire order to get to a museum. Today someone asked me at a gas station for 50 cents to get to Orange County. I gave him the $3 dollars I had. He said, “Sweet!” and thanked me. It was an interesting story of trying to find solutions and that can sometimes seem hard to do when faced with needing to negotiate. This week I began observing a severely disabled student in a classroom to find a solution to some undesirable behavior. I was concerned that the classroom aides may be unwilling to cooperate fully. The student demonstrated the behavior immediately which was useful and a few minutes later he tried again. This time he was unsuccessful in his attempt. The interesting part was that he communicated (though he is nonverbal) to the aide that she needed to mark on a tally sheet that he had made the attempt. When I mentioned after class, that I believed the tallying might inadvertently be reinforcing the behavior, the teacher immediately responded by moving the sheet from the student’s line of sight. By just being there I have changed the environment, the aides began discussing the behavior openly which led to the revelation about the tally sheet. It made me think about how every environment we enter is changed by our presence, hopefully for the better. 10. Being the Board- a somewhat difficult concept but not so much if you have faith. When you have faith, you have to believe that what happens in your life has meaning or leads you to where you may not have planned for yourself. I already know I am not in control of my life and trying to understand the world from my experience is an important part of realizing that. When difficulties arise then it is time to accept that you need to change. 11. Frameworks for Possibilities – this chapter speaks about stating visions. I had to write mission and belief statements this week for a model school counseling program. They included such things as: all students are worthy of love and respect and deserve to be cherished, and all students have the ability to achieve. I agree with the authors that a broad vision opens things up to possibilities and helps give us a direction. 12. Telling the We Story- I am always aware of the “we.” Groceries do not magically appear on shelves and roads are not paved by magic. We are intricately dependent despite the lone cowboy mentality that drives our country's identity. I almost laugh when I deal with people who believe they are independent. That is just not the truth. Understanding our interdependence is key to compromise and seeing the greater good. Posted by Lori Buder

Week 4 Response to Heather

Wk 4 Reading: The Sky is not the Limit!
Photo by Heather Hanes Again I found this week's reading to be so in tune with where I am in my life. Often times I find myself wondering what else I have to do to get my students attention and help them learn. Then I read the chapter about lighting the spark. I realize that I need to get them enrolled in their learning. I have to light that spark of interest...which in itself is not an easy task. The idea of "being the board" is one that is wonderful, but one that you have to make a conscious effort to do. It is so easy to put blame on others or even yourself. It isn't as easy to take a look at everything and assign no blame. I can relate this to my current administration. It seems as though she is always after me about something...I need to stop and look at what is causing this instead of feeling resentful about it. What has caused her to react to me this way? How can I get her enrolled into my vision? Again...easier said than done! Creating frameworks is something that I would like to focus more time on. I like the idea of not assigning punishments or consequences for everything. I like the idea of creating vision led goals and objectives. I this might be the link I need to help them with the high stakes testing. If I can create a vision that sparks the interest of the students, it doesn't have to be about "passing the test". There is a sense of power in telling a "WE" story. My ex-husband and I told "I/YOU" stories. We didn't mean to do it...but it had the same end results...a realization that we were no longer happy together, yet couldn't pinpoint the moment that this happened. Since then, I have made the effort with my current fiance to change the wording. I use "WE" stories. It's never "I want this" or "You did that". It's this is what isn't working and how can WE fix it together. I also found that there is less likely to be an argument of grand proportion of you say "WE", thus saying I am in this with you. This book has greatly opened up my eyes to a different way of thinking. It also came at a great time! We currently have a family member that has moved to Florida from New York and is living with us. She has recently become discouraged since she isn't finding a job as quickly as possible...I introduced her to the "Universe of Possibility" and various other teachings in the book. I have noticed a change in her mood and she now has 2 interviews next week! Posted by Heather Pirraglia-Hanes at Hi Heather Last time I get to respond to you. I appreciate your sharing your life with us. The framework section of the book was so challenging for me. The whole section on vision seems to be the opposite of what i have understood as vision. I am going to try and revisit my presuppositions of effective vision and vision casting. I am a part of administration and tend to blame administration.Being the board is killing me. I have to take back ownership and see how I can move our school forward.OK the first part of the book was cute the last portions are splinters in my brain, They hurt so good.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 4 Art of Possibilty Chp 9- 12 by Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander

Photo By Nele's
Chapter 9 Lighting A Spark
I laughed so hard at the example of sitting behind someone at the tollbooth because they do not have the exact change. Thank God for Sunpass an automated pay system. I know this wasn’t the point; I haven’t reached perfection yet, oh well. Lighting a spark (enrollment) is what I believe teaching is all about trying to be a catalyst to student’s passions. It takes time to develop this skill but is worth it. This book keeps bringing me back to my passion and central calling in education.

Chapter 10 Being the Board
When blaming we give away our power to change the situation the authors say because” there is nothing I can do about your mistakes” (p.151). WOW, It’s official this book is challenging me. It is there fault. I know it is. Yet the author suggest I am the framework for everything that happens in my life. Doesn’t mean you’re at fault but you acknowledge your participation. Stop messing with my pity party we just bought chips and soda. 2 great reflections Questions are offered: How did I get on the board that I am and how have I become a context for that to occur? This reflection brings great clarity to choice made rather commission or omission. Not that we blame our selves but we see how we have given the power to change it away. Gaining control versus making a difference and the boss example was like they were at my school. I get a will approach our principal differently. Bing the board will take a lot of practice!!!!

Chapter 11 Creating Frameworks for Possibilities
I am going to purchase this book for our principal and see if I can do a series of mini sessions for our community of practice group.
I enjoyed the practice questions. I think they would make a power full reflections and action session. They are found on page 163:
1. Make a NEW distinction in the realm of possibility on that is a POWERFUL substitute.
2. Enter the territory and embody the distinction
3. Keep distinguishing what is on track and what is off tack.

The clarification on vision is great and challenging. I can’t pin point why. I will have to read this several times. I think I might still be I the world of measurements and judging the success of vision this way.

Chapter 12 Telling the We Story
Last, but very significant the we story, this chapter really invites everyone into the world of possibility. It starts with allowing everyone to see them selves as vital to the story and the possibilities. I know my post this time is a little long but I am enjoying this book. In November this will be my book of the month so I can begin to plan some PD Days around this books theme. Thanks Joe B!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 3 WIMBA

Week 3 Wimba Archive.

I listened to the August 16 Wimba session. Thanks for the clarification the abstract. I was really hoping the abstract didn’t have to be 120 words exactly. I am looking forward to the Publishing/Presentation segment of week 4. It’s exciting to hear what great things Full Sail graduates will be accomplishing. I am glad you “force us to do this”. Like the Bible says “ a city on the hill can’t be hid. In other words, share what we have learned at Full Sail by allowing educators to know what were the results of our CBR projects.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 3 Think Out-Loud PPP post: Educational Technology Conferences

I have attended FETC 3 times and this is an awesome conference. I would love to present here because this conference is such a large part of why I love technology in education.

Alabama ETC is the same conference as FETC just a different state. I am pursuing potential clients for my 21st Century Course in Alabama, so would like to present in Alabama

I would also like to Apply to present at GaETC. Why not go for three states.