Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 4 Publishing/Presentation Project

FETC, AETC,, And Ga ETC are the same conference in different states. I have attended FETC 3 times and each time walked away with a greater understanding of how technology has and will positively effect education. I believe my CBR project would be a great assets to any school. My desire is to share this project with as many schools as possible and see the results of introducing 21st Century skill through PLEs, Google Suite, Web 2.0 tools, and applications. I belive the results will be awesome.

Week 2 think-out-loud-PPP Link
Week 3Think out Loud PPP Link

Les's Presentation Link


  1. Les,
    I really enjoyed your presentation on Tuesday. It is Sunday, I am am still a little stuck on putting my presentation together. Your project reminds me a lot of what Michael Wensch does with PLE's. I think you will have great success with this. Looking at your project makes me what to redo mine! Be sure and keep up this blog so I can keep an eye on you!

  2. Great project and presentation. I might need to "borrow" some ideas about how you connect your students' use of web 2 tools and research.
