Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 2Wimba

What a great wimba on copyright. Thanks for the review and clarifications. It is good know that are materials as educators can be covered under copyright law as well. Fair Use cannot interfere with the owner making money I didn’t know this. Thanks for the clarification that Fair use in education means the material used must be essential to teaching. I couldn’t teach the material with out it. I would have like to ask about YouTube tutorial videos. They are great how are the covered in regards to copyright law. I have a link to post on my blog about great free pictures and graphics that the owners have already given permission to reuse, yes!!! Thanks, I’ll say it again feeling better but still cautious.Oh I forgot we could place links here. Here is the link to free reusable materials.


  1. I believe that tutorials that demonstrate how to do something in an application qualify for fair use because the demo can't be done without using the application. Where one must be careful is to not misrepresent oneself as speaking for the company who made the application. But doing tutorials qualifies under fair use.
