Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 3 Art of Possibilty Chp 5- 8 by Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander

Chapter 5 Leading from any chair
Photo by Nele's

The author has a very profound perspective of leadership. The author says we should look for passion and commitment. The silent conductor the person who leads is one who recognizes the opportunity to lead from where they are. How can we have teachers arrive at this perspective of leadership from any chair? I believe exploring the 21st Century skill collaboration could easily help are students discover and model the silent conductor, wouldn’t this be nice?

Chapter 6 “Rule Number 6”.
I needed this chapter. I love to laugh and tend to do this quite often at work but more with the students that the teachers. As an administrator, I am going to practice taking myself less serious. I have a good relationship with the teachers but believe their perception of me is getter done. I want to enjoy the process more. I like the question, what would have to change for me to be fulfilled? (pg. 87) I know, me? No one else or anything has this power. I am rediscovering my Central Self and scaring the hell out of people around me.

Chapter 7 “The Way Things Are”
Own the reality your in, what I am doing that. No you’re in denial. I once learned a valuable lesson 2 + 2 = 4. I use this mathematical statement like the authors use the way things are. I use to live in the world of “should”, “should of”, and “could of,” what if”. The reality of 2+2=4 means, if you add all of the realities around you up the product is your reality. When you deal with what is real you can then begin to perceive the real options offered in the reality.

Chapter 8 “Giving Way to Passion”
BYTFI (pg.121) yes, I love this book. Sometimes we allow systems to systematically take passion from us. This is so tragic, the lost of passion. Passion is a driving force for creativity and living authentically. When passion is lost we are lost. Two suggestions appear on pg. 114. Discover where you are holding back and participate fully. I want to use these suggestions as it relates to technologies possible impact on learning. Let’s go big or stay home.


  1. Les, I so enjoyed reading your posts. I found it interesting that your thoughts mirrored my own in many respects. For me I tend to get bogged down by the stresses of not setting limits for what I can do. I am the type of person that takes on too much. In doing so, I forget to let others lead, I take myself way to serious at times, I sometimes forget to embrace the idea the way things are is reality and because I am so overwhelmed I often don't participate. Like you I love this book and will be embracing BTFI (pg. 121).

  2. Les I like your perspective on these chapters. It is a little different from mine but I agree with your view. Especially the part about our passion. I think we allow the system or systems to interfer with our passion. I also love Rule Number 6. I think if we take it on we will have health problems so I believe in rule #6. I love to laugh at well and I surely know how to lighten up. I don't take on unnecessary STUFF.

  3. Les-
    I liked what you had to say about how passion is such a driving force. As educators, we all know that we did not enter this profession to become rich and famous. At some point, we all had a passion for education. Some of my peers have lost that passion, for whatever reason, and have chosen to leave teaching.
    With technology ever changing, I think it will definitely benefit us to continue to grow and develop a passion in this area. As technology continues to integrate education, we will be able to keep up!

  4. great summary of the chapters and personal insight into where the book meets you.
